Selling Tips Before Putting Up Your House for Sale in Chicago

Published By Greg Cummins on 01 Apr 2019

Deciding to put your house up for sale in Chicago could be daunting, but with the help of the best realtors® in Chicago, you can get your house sold quick. Depending on when you're planning to move, spring is usually the best time to put your house up for sale.

People are out and about checking out the farmers' markets and festivals to celebrate the end of winter. Of course, most homeowners in Chicago have the same idea, so buyers will have a lot of choices when searching for a home. Here are some tips to follow before putting your house up for sale.

One of the first things you need to do before contacting one of the top agents in Chicago to sell your home is finish some projects and create curb appeal. Even if you live in a condo, you can add some flower pots near the front door and a colorful welcome mat.

If you own a home with a yard, make sure all of the leaves and dead plants are cleaned up, and hang some flowering baskets or add some front porch furniture to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. You only have one chance to make a first impression, so make sure your home makes a good one!

Another option you need to think about before putting your house up for sale is how you plan to stage the home to get the highest offer. Housing in Chicago is competitive with over 10,000 homes for sale in a variety of sizes and locations.

You'll need to make sure your home is looking its best when your realtor schedules a showing or an open house. Take some time to get rid of clutter and pack up personal items and put them in storage.

If your home hasn't been updated recently, you might want to paint some walls, update your countertops and backsplash, or consider replacing carpet with hardwood. Some of the top real estate agents in Chicago can help you decide which updates will be the best return on investment.

Although you don’t have any control over the neighborhood where you live, if you're selling your home in one of the popular neighborhoods like Printers Row, Greektown, or Lake View, make sure to take advantage of promoting the amenities in the area.

You might want to create a notebook highlighting all of the best restaurants and shops to display during an open house. Some of the best realtors in Chicago can help you prepare your home for sale and promote your neighborhood to ensure you get multiple offers on your Chicago home.

Find more on housing in Chicago and other real estate news by registering on 312area, your free guide to the Chicago area.


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